We're sorry, but you are not eligible for AOD's services.
We can only send medications to pregnant adults with access to smart phones in states where we are licensed.
In-person care
National Abortion Federation – Search the professional association of abortion providers for NAF-affiliated clinics delivering evidence based, patient-centered care
Reprocare Healthline (1-833-226-7821) – Provides anonymous peer-based emotional support, medical information, and referrals to people having an abortion at home with pills.
All-Options (1-888-493-0092) – Offers full-spectrum free peer counseling to callers from anywhere in the US or Canada.
Financial Help
National Network of Abortion Funds – Connect with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion.
NAF Hotline (1-800-772-9100) – A national, multi lingual Hotline for abortion referrals and financial assistance. NAF Hotline also provides case management services and limited financial assistance to help you afford the cost of your care and travel-related expenses. The Hotline is free and offers services to everyone, regardless of your individual situation.
KeepOurClinics.org – Independent providers serve three out of every five people who have an abortion, yet they receive only a fraction of public support. Keep Our Clinics helps ensure longevity of community-based abortion providers and primary recipient of AOD donations.
Shout Your Abortion – Abortion is normal. STYA is a decentralized network of individuals talking about abortion on our own terms and creating space for others to do the same, in art, media, and at community events all over the country.
Abortion AF – Coven of hilarious badass feminists who use humor and pop culture to expose the haters fighting against reproductive rights.